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2020 Primary Candidate Registration Deadline Approaching Fast!

Writer: SweetwaterGOPSweetwaterGOP

Are you a Republican in Sweetwater County?

Have you considered running for office? If you have, right now is the time to do it! Your community needs Republicans who are willing to step up and serve in both partisan and non partisan offices, to represent your neighbors, and to shape the future of Sweetwater County at all levels of government.

For county, state, and federal partisan offices, the Republican Primary is used to nominate Republican candidates to represent the Republican Party in the General Election in November. To be a Republican candidate in the general election, you have to be on the primary ballot, and win the primary election in August. There may be different filing fees required for different offices.

County Offices

To be on the primary ballot for county offices, you have to register with the County Clerk's office before the close of business on Friday, May 29. All the information you need to file is available on their website. You can find it here:

The county offices that the Republican Party will nominate candidates for in the primary election are:

  • County Commissioner (2 seats)

The Republican Party also elects its Central Committee on the primary ballot. This is the grass roots of the Republican Party! Becoming a Precinct Committeeman or Committeewoman gives you a direct vote in the operation of your local Republican Party. Every precinct in the county is entitled to at least one Precinct Committeeman, and one Precinct Committeewoman, with more awarded to precincts with larger populations. The 90 people elected to these seats act as the Central Committee of the Sweetwater County Republican Party, and elect the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, State Committeeman, and State Committeewoman of the County Party next March. You can run for Precinct Committee Person and still run for any of the other available offices. There is no filing fee to run for a Precinct Committee seat.

State and Federal Offices

To be on the primary ballot for state and federal offices, you have to register with the Secretary of State's office before the close of business on Friday, May 29. All the information you need to file is available on their website. You can find it here:

The candidates for state and federal offices that will be nominated on primary election ballots in Sweetwater County are:

  • U.S. Senator (1 seat)

  • U.S. Representative (1 seat)

  • State Representative

    • House District 17 (1 seat)

    • House District 18 (1 seat)

    • House District 39 (1 seat)

    • House District 47 (1 seat)

    • House District 48 (1 seat)

    • House District 60 (1 seat)

  • State Senator

    • Senate District 12 (1 seat)

    • Senate District 14 (1 seat)

Local Offices

To be on the primary ballot for local offices, you have to register with the town or city clerk from the municipality that you want to run in before the close of business on May 29. These offices are non partisan, but the Sweetwater County Republican Party encourages Republicans to seek non partisan offices in order to guarantee that the the platforms and resolutions of the Republican Party are promoted at all levels of government. The top vote getters in the primary election for each position go on to compete in the General Election in November.

The candidates for local offices that will be nominated on the ballot during the primary election will be:

  • Rock Springs City Council

    • Ward I (1 seat)

    • Ward II (1 seat)

    • Ward III (1 seat)

    • Ward IV (1 seat)

  • Green River City Council

    • Ward I (1 seat)

    • Ward II (1 seat)

    • Ward III (1 seat)

  • Granger Town Council (1 seat)

  • Wamsutter Town Council

    • Four Year Term (2 seats)

    • Two Year Term (1 seat)

If none of these offices interest you, there is also a large list of non partisan offices that will also be on the general election ballot in November including positions on school boards, hospital districts, fire districts, special improvement districts, and more. The filing dates for those offices will be August 5 through August 24. This is your opportunity to step up and make a difference in your community! We hope to see you on the ballot and at the primary election polls on Tuesday, August 18!

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