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Here is the link to the Bureau of Land Management's "Guide to Good Public Comments". 🙄

Whether we like it or not, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will disregard any comment they do not deem "Substantive." Click on the image below to read how the BLM defines a substantive comment. You can also click on the PDF file.

We have great people working through the almost 1,400 page document to provide a bullet point list to help with providing analysis, references, etc., to aid you in submitting substantive comments.

The BLM has stated this is not a voting process so comments like "Stop closing our roads!" will be DISREGARDED!

The BLM has not determined if they will extend the public comment period, so for now the final date is November 16, 2023. This means, we still have some time to get good information out to help with comments. It might feel like the BLM will not listen to us anyway, and they probably won't, but the Legislature has already set aside money for Governor Gordon to file a lawsuit and all of our comments will absolutely aid in a lawsuit.

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