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Statement Regarding Wyoming GOP November 11-12, 2022 Meeting


Dear Sweetwater County Republicans,

The Wyoming State Republican Party is holding the last of its quarterly meetings on November 11-12, 2022.

Generally, Wyoming Republican Central Committee meetings are hosted by 1 of the 23 county central committees. This is to help each county be spotlighted and raise funds for each county party around the state. The Wyoming State Republican Executive Committee chose Liberty’s Place 4 U WY, LLC to host our last meeting of 2022 in Casper and not with the Natrona County Central Committee. Liberty’s Place 4 U WY, LLC states they are a grassroots group of liberty minded citizens that formed because they are troubled with the direction of the Natrona County Central Committee.

Elizabeth Bingham, Sweetwater County Chairman, and Eric Bingham, Sweetwater County State Committeeman, will not be attending this meeting in protest to the double standard set by the majority of the Wyoming Republican State Central Committee. At almost every state GOP meeting, for over two years, we have listened to complaints about a grassroots group of Republicans called Frontier Republicans, LLC. This group formed because they were troubled with the lack of civility and rational decision making made by the Wyoming Republican State Central Committee. We protest this meeting because the majority of the Wyoming Republican State Central Committee has scrutinized, criticized, and demeaned anyone who they felt possibly aligned with the group called Frontier Republicans, LLC, but have now chosen to support a group of people who clearly disagree with the decisions of the Natrona County Republican Central Committee, to the point of helping them fundraise and undermine the will of the registered Republicans of Natrona County.

We cannot and will not support this double standard set by the Wyoming Republican State Executive Committee and the majority of the Wyoming Republican Central Committee members.

Elizabeth Bingham, Chairman

Eric Bingham, State Committeeman

Sweetwater County Republican Party

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