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Video & Pictures of Rock Springs BLM Open House Meeting - WAY TO SHOW UP SWEETWATER!


The Bureau of Land Management held their Rock Springs public meeting (open house) on Wednesday, September 27th from 3:00 - 6:00pm at the Holiday Inn and SWEETWATER COUNTY SHOWED UP!! According to reports, over 700 people filled out the BLM's sign in sheet and a few hundred more also attended. Estimated reports indicate around 1,000 people attended.

The BLM held this public open house in the Ballroom at the Holiday Inn. They did not open the doors until exactly 3:00pm. Check out the videos and pictures of the turnout.

This video was taken at 2:55pm. Citizens were in line waiting for the BLM to open the doors to the Ballroom at the Holiday Inn for the open house style information meeting at 3:00pm. No verbal public comment was permitted.

Way to go Sweetwater for showing up!!

Video taken at 3:13 pm. Just a few minutes into the open house and the place was packed. Way to go Sweetwater!!

Video taken at 4:03 pm. One hour into the three hour BLM Resource Management Plan open house. Many had come and gone but people kept showing up. Way to go Sweetwater!!

Sweetwater County citizens showed up to the BLM Resource Management Plan open house. Way to go Sweetwater. Pictures were taken are various times of the open house.

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