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Vote "AGAINST" Ballot Proposition "Sales and Use Tax Question" on November 2, 2021


Updated: Sep 28, 2021

The Sweetwater County Republican Party

passed a motion at the August 19th monthly meeting to stand

AGAINST this ballot proposition.

Here's Why!

  • The discussion that ensued included support for specific purpose tax propositions that will be on the ballot in 2022. The party feels that raising the general purpose sales tax to 6% will greatly diminsh the appetite to support the specific purpose tax propositions in 2022.

  • The Sweetwater County Republican Party 2020 Platform Plank 13 on taxes states "....Taxes should never be more than necessary." The projected revenue that will be collected far exceeds that of the amount stated for the reason of imposing an extra 1%, therefore we must hold to the platform.

  • While the ballot propostion states "For term of four years," state statute allows for the option of the tax to become permanent by resolution. This means the current governing bodies CANNOT GUARANTEE future governing bodies will ensure this propostion be voted on ever again.


Resoution #21-01-cc-01

Resolution approving proposition for imposing an additional 1% General Purpose Sales and Use Excise Tax in Sweetwater County.


Ballot Proposition - November 2, 2021


Sweetwater County Republican Party 2020 Platform

Plank 13 - Taxes

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